Chief Keef Arrested Twice in 7 Days, This Time For Speeding (Doing 110 in a 55)

Chief Keef was arrested for the SECOND TIME IN 7 DAYS yesterday … when cops in Illinois say the 17-year-old rapper was doing 110mph … in a 55 zone. Law enforcement says … cops spotted Keef’s 2011 BMW X6 M flying down Winnetka Road in Northfield, IL around 3:45 AM. When cops pulled the car over … Keef was in the driver’s seat with 3 passengers — big problem, since Keef only has a permit which allows him to have ONE passenger. After Keef was taken into custody, the BMW was released to one of the passengers … who left the scene with the vehicle. Keef was cited for speeding and having too many people in the car. He’s due back in court on June 17. -- Source: TMZ